How Search Engines Work


Before you read a page of search results for certain keywords are entered in the search box, there are some processes that previously passed through serach engines, namely:
What was meant Crawler
Crawler is a program designed to discover new web pages based on the links that exist within a web page. Its function is to become a signpost for other programs called spiders to go to the page designated by the crawler.
What was meant Spider
Spider function to download the texts that are considered important page of the website that he met on the basis of instructions from the crawler. Spider is then handed over next task kedapa indexer
What was meant Indexer
Pages that have been downloaded and then in the index according towith the method pengindexan that apply to each search engine . Furthermore, the results are stored in the databse pengindexan. When we search for keywords within the dialogue box search engines, it is done by the search engines are keyword matching it with data already indexed in their databse, and if there is a match, the search engine will display a search results page, as we know it.
Note: A search engine to find a web page only if there is a road / links from other pages to the page of the website. For example a website A has a link to the website B. So how search engines find out the location of the website B is through the link on the website A. If none of the websites which link to the website B, then do not expect the website will be indexed / entered into the database search engine. The only way for a new website that not one link that led to him so that search engines can find it, is to inform / register the website address into the search engine manager.

What is meant Invisible Web

There are two kinds of web page that is visible web / pages that can be seen, and the invisible web / pages that can not be seen. Hidden or invisible web page is a page that can not be indexed by search engines for various reasons. The first reason is because the page format is not recognized by search engines, for example because these pages do not contain text that can be indexed by search engines.
A second reason was because the page is protected by a password. An example is the email that you have. Search engines can not get into your email inbox because it is protected by a password.
The third reason is because these pages are requested by the owner to not be indexed or not discovered by others through search engines. Usually notice to not diindexnya a page is through a script that is inserted into web pages or notifications by filling out the form provided by search engines.

Spider Engine How it Works


Once successfully registered your website or found by the search engine through a link on another website that leads to your website, then search engine will store into their database for later commanded engine spiders visit that site to see the potential if the website is worthy to be indexed or not.

The time required by the spiders to visit the website since search engines are in the database depends on the policies of each search engine itself. One example is Google, they typically index the website a few days after the website resides in their databases list, even according to the experience of the author, website author never indexed in minutes since the website is registered to Google, the site features the author was able to appear in the machine search (to find out whether your site is already indexed or not, try typing your website name in the search box and hit enter, if the website has been registered is usually the website will appear in the results, if not then the report that came out was "data not found" or zero result).

Please note that with its registered a website on a particular search engine database will not guarantee indexed by search engines, although they had ordered the spider engines to explore your website and look for data that can be indexed. There are many factors that lead to the possibility of the website can not be indexed some of which is the number of pages is too small (only one or two pages only), too many links within the pages of the website (link farm), unstructured web page, or website is the result copian from other websites, and many other causes that make the website not indexed.

Note: Another way that is more valid to determine if your site has been indexed or not (especially for the google search engine) is to see it at / webmasters, but first you must have a google account first (google email address)
