How to Learn Magic Supernatural


In this world, there are those given by God to have excess power supernatural even though he never learned. There are also people who are allowed to explore the science so that he could have plenty of ability in a short time. There are also people who have difficulty in studying science, although he has diligently tried. If you belonged to the latter, then do not pessimistic first. There are many ways to open the door of your knowledge.

Many people learn magic for years, but no satisfactory results. Failure could have happened because science has not studied the original grammar or learn how to fake science. Number of false science and science is not genuine tradition usually is a paranormal action of an individual shall not be liable

Do not easily believe in the people who he said could open the aura, chakras or hijab magical so people can quickly master the magic and get into the supernatural. Surely you can only open hearts by your own efforts. Other people can only help drive and tell how.
For other failures is the ignorance of the essence of science is learned. People who study witchcraft should know "where the source of magic power and how the process or the workings of witchcraft", or maybe he sit in on a fake psychic who certainly false science.

Therefore, I set "Opener Science Invisibility" which explores two main things that should be prior knowledge for those who want to learn magic. This knowledge will greatly assist in opening the door of supernatural forces in the body.

Source Supernatural Ability

The flow of wisdom and kejawen agree that the source of magic power is khodam.
But the two streams are different opinions about the notion khodam. Kejawen flow assumes that khodam or prewangan are certain types of creatures that are created by God to help mankind. According to the ideology of kejawen, khodam not the jinn and not an angel, but a special magical creatures that functions in humans generate powerful supernatural force or magical objects.

While the flow of wisdom believes that "khodam" is actually just a nickname for Jin or angel who helps people. This opinion bedasarkan least two reasons: First, the Occult in Arabic means servant, guard or guards who always follow. In the Arabic language maids, chauffeurs, gardeners and body guard can also be referred to as khodam.

Secondly, not in the Qur'an has explained that God only created his servant in three forms, namely: Angels, Man and Jin.

Even if there are terms "khodam", then nothing but an alias name for all three types of these creatures. Like the "devil", they are not the kind of creature, but only a nickname for the jinns and humans who like to do evil. I personally believe the opinion of wisdom flow because it has strong reasons.

Wonders caused by witchcraft different from mukzijat. The difference is in the process and who receive it. Mukzijat only be accepted by the prophets / messengers and the process without an intermediary, no intermediary angels / spirits that cause the prophet Moses could split the sea and his staff into a snake.

Genesis miracle straight from God's command "kun fa yakun!". Miracles can not be learned or cultivated by humans, including the prophet, the prophet and not just accept the ruling rejected the power of God.

While the wonders that witchcraft was actually caused khodam functions that have been fused with the owner of the occult. For example, people whose skin is immune to a sharp weapon, his skin is actually covered by khodam enegi so magical weapon to touch the skin is blocked and can not penetrate. This process is similar to Earth's atmosphere when there is a meteor that far then it will have friction until the meteor burned and exhausted, with such creatures of the earth to be safe from falling meteors.

Magical Science can be learned or cultivated. Attempts to obtain magic can with fasting, wirid mantra, meditation, charging (if there are teachers) and others. Khodam spirit that will be magic even vary depending on the type of science and those who practice science. For pure practice derived from the Koran, IsyaAllah, khodamnya is an angel. Science Javanist, most berkhodam Jin Muslim or non-Muslim jinn depending on who practice it and the intention to have such knowledge.

Nature Occult Occult Sciences

I am sure, some of you to be afraid of studying witchcraft after knowing that the strength actually comes from a supernatural being (khodam). Know that jinn who became khodam a different nature with science genie bullies. This Angel is a genie that is passive. He can not affect your mind and can not reveal themselves.

Although khodam always follow you, he will not comment anything about your actions. Khodam can not communicate with you, unless you master the science to communicate with khodam. So basically, even though hundreds khodam following you, you keep yourself independent, can do whatever they pleased. You do not need to fear with khodam because it will only help you without asking anything in return or do not interfere.

Why should not fast, and read a spell

The nature of fasting in witchcraft is to facilitate the unification of science khodam with the owner. Not that without fasting science can not be controlled. If there are teachers who are willing to fill your magic, then you directly can have science without melelui fasting process / ritual. Strength results of charging depending on how much magic that fills your teacher. Whereas if you are fasting / ritual itself, the power generated depends on your appreciation and sincerity in running the fasting / ritual.

Mantra is the means to call khodam. When you cast a spell, some khodam the same nature with the mantra that you read directly come around you. -Khodam khodam lagsung it can not be united with your body because different materials making up the body. Jin made of fire (heat) and you are made of ground (neutral), then in order to facilitate the unification khodam with yourself you have to empty the stomach until your body feels weak and hot.

The weakness of your body while fasting also facilitate the unification khodam. Logically, the body is weak because of lack of energy, then there is the opportunity for khodam to fill the shortage of energy in your body.

Existing knowledge on you can get stronger and can also be weakened depending on your diligence in taking care of these sciences. Caring science is tantamount to maintaining the relationship between khodam and you. The stronger the bond between you and khodam, the stronger the strength of your knowledge. How to treat a science is to read the spell routine at the specified time. The more solemn and more wirid spell the greater the strength of your knowledge.

How To Open Door Science Invisibility
If you include people who often fail in studying witchcraft or magic did not find teachers who are willing to fill knowledge into your body. Then do the following way. Hopefully in a way that I give, you will easily master the science of magic even if you only learn from books. If you do not understand Arabic, then use the second way. Open practice witchcraft, also known as practice for the eye to the sharpness of the liver.
How I,suitable for that happy with the flow of Wisdom
Over 4o days, each finished the prayers, especially the evening and early morning or evening when you have finished salat (tahajud)
wirid do the following.Read Surat Al-Fatihah x 7 addressed to the Prophet Muhammad.Read Surat Al-Fatihah x 7 addressed to the mayor Ghauts hadzaz-zamani.Reading Yes Sayyidi O Messenger of Allah for 30 minutes with solemn.
If you have time, then read the sentences toyyibah "la ilaha illa" 3000 times or could.With this practice, the heart will be light, magic door will open, so you'll easily in mastering the various occult sciences.
How II,suitable for that happy with the flow Javanist
So that the liver always nur or light emitting leads man in a good position and always lucky, can be pursued with all the activities that aim to cleanse the liver. Among the ways it is the behavior of concern, such as fasting and perform the teachings of the ancestors to arouse (awaken) the liver through the spell as follows:
Bismillahir rahmaanir RaheemAti-ati Siro TangiAmoco kite Puspo cattySanyang solar Sanyang sasiByar padhang physical bodyPadang so kersaning GodLa ilaha illa Allah's Apostle of Muhammad.
This spell read the morning in front of the house while waiting for the sunrise and late afternoon while waiting for the arrival time mahrib.And old people who practice the ancient prayer of this Ati Padhang mutih start by fasting for 7 days.Mutih are not eating foods derived from animate creatures / animals.

Good Luck !!!


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